Massage Therapy, Inner Relationship Focusing, and Spiritual Direction

Private sessions in person in Birmingham, Alabama, and at a distance by Zoom or Phone

Most of my clients value taking time out of their busy lives to relieve stress, and reconnect with themselves.  They are motivated by wellness, and sometimes more.  What I offer are different ways of turning inward and relating to oneself with warmth, respect, and curiosity — all qualities of Presence — in order to offer friendship to what “hurts” and listen for what’s wanted and needed for inner peace.  I see my work as supported meditation.  It teaches the skills of mindfulness and awakens sensitivity to subtle communications of the body.

I help people spend quality time with themselves for pain relief, rest and renewal, and to better access the wisdom of their body.


    helps us be with tension skillfully so we can stop fighting with it but instead relax into a listening and respectful relationship with it.


    is a rich and sophisticated process of having a conversation with the body in order to access what it “knows” that is not yet available to the conscious mind.


    helps us listen for that “still, small voice within” and deepen our authentic connection to the spiritual dimension in our lives.


If this work appeals to you, I’d like to hear your story, and see if what I do is a good fit for you. I find the best way to do this is to have a free 30-minute consultation via Zoom.  Feel free to reach out first by email if you prefer, and when you’re ready, we’ll schedule the video call.  I hope to have the opportunity to meet you.

I came from a mindset that the body was dangerous, was not to be trusted, should be transcended, and that really, you shouldn’t even feel.  Through massage and Focusing I’ve gained confidence that the body is a safe place.  I sense that I am an ally now to my body, and I am on my side.  That is big.

- AP, Birmingham, AL -

I know Kate will respond to me with a deep sense of love and respect and lack of judgement.  She would never take away my or anybody else’s right to say what they feel or what they know in their own way.  She has gentleness backed up by strength, by her ability to bear whatever comes … huge pain, anger, grief … that’s not going to knock her down or be threatening to her.  For all of Kate’s techniques to be brought together into her unique offering, these techniques have to be in the hands of a skilled, trained, intuitive, and highly competent person.  You can’t just buy it on the corner at the Seven Eleven.

- MTS, Birmingham, AL -